Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring or Winter? Depends on what side of the street you're on.

Guitar class was a bit of a disappointment today. In doing some basic chord changes, I failed miserably. Shit. I practiced very similar chord movements and even this particular chord movement, but when I was trying to execute them in class, it just wasn't working. That can happen, so fine, but then I just couldn't recover from my mistakes at all and that just bugged the crap out of me. Need to work harder this week.

Stark contrast on Roscoe today. Take a look:

Here's our tiny front yard looking pre-springy. Some bulbs are starting to come up.

Here's the rest of the block. Looks pretty nice and warm. It isn't warm, but it LOOKS warm.

Here's the other side of the street, literally. It's the dead of winter over there. As you can see, that side of the street (the south side) is cast in the shadows of its buildings. On my side of the street (the north side), the sun actually reaches the ground and the snow is all melted. What a contrast though.....separated by mere feet!


alexis said...

awww, I actually felt fondness at the site of the old grey-stone buildings! 2 years away must be enough time to erase all the bad memories and leave only (not 100% correct) good recollections.

stef said...

I keep wearing my spring clothes in hopes that that will bring the warmer weather. so far it's not working...

Anonymous said...

Crap, I'm leaving 65 degree sunny Albuquerque for that! Trust me there's only one side of the street I'm walking on to get to Starbucks!

Oh, I'm staying with Ricardo this time.

(Glida Radner like) Never mind.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Nice reference el supremo. It's supposed to be 52 today, but I don't know if that's going to help the other side of the street.

My date last Thursday was doing the same thing Stef! If it's June and it's 45, I'm wearing as big a coat as I can find. I don't care WHAT the season!