Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Old St. Patty's Day!!!

If you're reading this, that means you survived the St. Patrick's Day celebration in your area.....or you fell into a coma and are now catching up on my entries a year or two from now. If the later is your case, CONGRATULATIONS on coming out of your coma!!

Is gas $5 a gallon yet?
Is the dollar worth less than the peso?
Is McCain still President?
How many banks did your relatives have to move your money into because they kept failing/getting bought/bailed out? The average should be two by then I'm guessing.
Is my basement finished yet?

Busy 10 days or so coming up with: a trip to the dentist, four workouts, Good Friday, my Birthday, Easter, another visit from el supremo de NM, dinner with lawyers and a softball tournament....and another guitar lesson.

Speaking of which, Mrs. Moore was back teaching our class today....thankfully. For you players, I'm working on D, A7, A, E, E minor and starting this week.....G. As you can imagine, learning the chords is one thing and changing between them is quite another. Baby steps, baby steps.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the folk songs to rolling out of your condo.

Anonymous said...

After G, your next chord will be C. You'll be on a rampage!


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

G is a pain though. That pinky finger just isn't going to hit the one string.

Anonymous said...

Yes it will.

Are you doing the three-finger G (2nd (middle) finger on 5th str/2nd fr; 3rd (ring) finger on the 6th str/3rd fr; 4th (pinky) finger on the 1st str/3rd fret)

or a four-finger G (1st (index) finger on 5th str/2nd fr; 2nd finger on 6th str/3rd fr; 3rd finger on 2nd str/3rd fr; 4th finger on 1st str/3rd fr)?

Both work and it's good to know both, but try to to work on the three-finger G first.


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

We're doing the 3 fingered G chord. It's tough to get that pinky to's like it's not even attached to my body!