Thursday, November 01, 2007

Work really gets in the way of blogging.

It's been a busy week with el supremo de NM in town and many meetings throughout the day. We made good progress on current clients, sent a proposal for a new client and Ricardo hosted a great seminar event with el supremo presenting. Good stuff.

Today I heard that our weather in Chicago is going to take a nasty turn. We were supposed to hit the upper 50's today and now we're going to be in the 40's for the forseeable future. Not good. Now that's what I HEARD on the radio. When I go to a weather website to check out the 15 day forecast, we have several more days in the 50's. Hmmm, not sure who is lying to me. Starting a week from Sunday though it is indeed supposed to be in the 40's.

I'm exhausted, so hopefully tomorrow I'll have titillating topics again.

Holiday catalog count: 5


alexis said...

is it a sign that I'm acclimating to Europe that I can't remember what 40's / 50's feeds like? Or just that my memory sucks.

Anonymous said...

Glad I'm bailing out of town just before the temperature drop.

stef said...

I thought today was supposed to get up to 60?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I think we are Stef. Actually, it looks like a few more days of 60 degree weather. Nobody seems to know the right answer (no great surprise).