Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sung to "A few of my favorite things": Mosquitos, bad drivers, dumb people and rats, these are a few of the things that I hate!

There are many things that I just don't like: mosquitoes, bad drivers, dumb people and, of course, rats. Two other things are: calling people during fundraising and not being able to see my gal. Both of those things hit me today.

As a parishioner of St. Alphonsus Church, I'm relatively active. In addition to being a member of the finance council, I sponsor the golf event, participate in fund raisers (as an attendee) and attend services whenever there isn't a Bears game or softball tournament that leads me out of town. Currently our church is going under some external, and now internal, renovations. However, the Pastor decided that some folks would be more than willing to call other parishioners to see if they received their packet of information and to say that we'd hope they consider contributing to the campaign. While not specifically asking for a donation, it's much closer than I'm comfortable with. Still, it was only about 20 calls and most of the time I just left messages on their answering machines. I'm not happy doing it regardless.

This afternoon I took MWrigely to the airport. She headed out to New Jersey for the weekend to see her 94 year old grandmother who hasn't been doing well health-wise lately. She'll also see her genetic father while visiting (parents were divorced and her step-dad raised her mostly). Her grandmother lives in an assisted living home and MWrigley will be sleeping on the sofa. Boredom is going to be her biggest concern since it's tough to plan things to do with a 94 year old woman. Almost selfishly, I'm trying to fill up my weekend with activities and drinking so I don't think about how much I miss her. Ok, let's hear the "awwwwww's". Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's been seven weeks, give me a break.


Anonymous said...

OK, I will give you a break. But not on the "I go to church whenever the Bears aren't playing!" Geesh.

stef said...

Definitely twitterpated.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Um, what's "twitterpated" stef?

I think I've been insulted!!

Anonymous said...

It means you are stuck on MWrigley big time!!!! good 4 u!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody's got to stop you before it gets too bad. Might as well be me. You'll thank me for this eventually.

I think (and Lurker Brenda agrees) that you're going down the road to become a pussy -- like a Ryan Seacrest, 5'8", 149 lb wuss with gel in your hair. You're not there yet, which is why I want to nip this in the bud.

Quit whining like a little girl and suck it up.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

After I quit laughing dejesus, I realized you're absolutely right! However, I was at a hockey game with three women last night and only had thoughts of MWrigley. Pathetic, I know, but I'm happy!!!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Oh and say hi to lurker Brenda!!