Thursday, February 07, 2008

The slush has turned to ice.

The last few days have been messy with heavy wet snow falling and most of it turning to slush due to temperatures hovering in the 32-35 degree range. Last night though the temps fell into the 20's and everything turned to ice. Ugh. Driving is a pain. Walking is a pain. This weather is a pain!!!! I'm fine with colder and no snow. I'm so tired of cleaning off my car every time I stop for more than 5 minutes!!

Ok, enough bitching about the weather. It's Chicago in February, deal with it Sutton.

Tomorrow I head to Orlando for my softball tournament and won't have my computer with me unfortunately. As I don't return until late Sunday, a Monday morning post probably won't be available. Be sure to check back though as I'm bringing my camera and should have some interesting things to write about. (a nice change huh?)

Good news on the coughing front! Yesterday morning I made an appointment with my ENT just to make sure I didn't have an upper respiratory infection or something similar. No fever. Check. Blood pressure normal. Check. Pulse normal. Check. Use stethoscope. No wheezing, no gurgling, nothing to indicate abnormality in my lungs. Check and mate. So my doc just prescribed this super duper cough medicine which I can only take one teaspoon every 12 hours. That's right, one teaspoon. I guess the stuff goes up into your brain and inhibits the coughing function temporarily. Man does it work!! Crazy. I still cough sometimes, but I can talk several minutes without coughing and I don't have the spasmatic fits of coughing that I had before. Since my cough was "unproductive", I'm not concerned about turning off the coughing switch in my brain. Pretty cool.

See you all on Monday!!


Anonymous said...

Good luck as always on the trip. Hope the "no cough" switch isn't connected to the "hit the ball" switch.

stef said...

Have fun in sunny, sunny florida. Provided you get out of course...mwa ha ha haaaaaaa

alexis said...

thank goodness the cough is gone, they're annoying and can also stop sleep!

Good luck in FL!