Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The End of Open Toed Sandals for a Month?

Day grubs yet, though apparently some have emerged in the burbs. Well, I wondered how the scientists could accurately predict the arrival of the Cicada grubs; it just didn't seem plausible. After 17 years, there has to be just a ton of variables. Apparently the soil temperature is an issue and maybe some of the cold days this month has caused a slight delay. Still, it's pretty freaking amazing if they even get it within a week. And when these bugs show up, I'm not going to be able to wear sandals with an open toe am I? Maybe I'll be able to in the grub stage, but once they start flying around and stuff, then I'm going to have to ditch the sandals. Ugh.

Not sure if you watched the most recent episode of Lost or not. It was awesome!! Best episode since the beginning. Things are actually happening and plot lines are evolving, which seems fairly basic for a two or three year old show, but it actually is progress!!! I don't want to ruin it in case you have it Tivoed, but watch it ASAP!

How cool is the internet? I mean it! It's freakin' awesome isn't it? We didn't have this shit when I was growing up. Ever since I downloaded Microsoft's Internet Explorer v. 7 (don't do this if you haven't already), I've been getting some weird error messages. Here's one of them: "GetProcessImageFileNameW is being called by Psapi.dll and can't be found". So today, I jump on Google and type this message in and find a website where a guy has the answer as to how to fix it. Sweet! Quick and neat sharing of information. From error messages to Barn Swallows, I love the internet!!!


stef said...

LOST was awsome! I thought it was a fairly satisfying end with plenty of strings dangling for next season. All I can say is : WALT!

alexis said...

have you tried foxfire instead of explorer?

Anonymous said...

God bless those grubs for protecting our eyes from the sight of your open toes (and the smell)

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I'm not too excited about Walt Stef. I think he was just a hallucination. We've seen a lot of dead people on the island over the episodes.

That's what I'm using now Alexis! I changed to FireFox shortly after I downloaded Explorer 7.0. I was still getting the error messages when I started the computer though because I still have explorer on the system. It's weird. FireFox is much more stable.

My toes are fine Dry bastard.

Anonymous said...

BASTARD! is this because of the alky comment yesterday? because if it is...well thats another sign.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

No DD, you're a bastard for making a crack about my feet. I will mess you up!!