Monday, July 30, 2007

Boating and Alaska

Since I'm leaving for Joisey on Wednesday, I only have a few days of work this week so today was busy, busy, busy. Many emails, calls, copies and print outs were made. Good progress today.

Which makes it even more surprising that I was able to make progress on my Pennsylvania boating license exam. Why am I studying for this exam? Well, the Joisey trip is partially in Joisey and the rest of the trip is in Pennsylvania, except for a side trip to NYC and Yankee Stadium for the White Sox/Yankees game on Thursday. Where we are staying in PA is on a lake and if you want to drive a PWC (personal watercraft.....yeah, I know, the abbreviation doesn't work but I didn't create it) you have to pass this test and have proof of it. Fine. I haven't had the best luck with the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) who tend to be a little overly aggressive with the tiny, tiny little bit of authority they possess, so I'm going to try and avoid them entirely.

By the way, you'll be interested to know, if you're a Sopranos fan, that I'm going to go to Bada Bing! with Joisey Ken. Should be a hoot.....or at least sentimental.

I watched a new show called Jeff Corwin's Into Alaska. The subject matter is infinitely appealing to me since I've been to Alaska, but Jeff Corwin is annoying to a similar degree. For instance, he started off with this scene of him watching a bear fishing in a river not 100 yards away from him. So he says, "In this harsh environment (don't mind the wooden banister in the shot where Jeff is standing which rings the patio set up along the river), a kill like this could make the difference between life and death for this Alaskan Brown Bear (it was larger than a typical grizzly and it was one lousy salmon)". C'mon Jeff, stop playing to the camera. Jeesh, talk about over acting. Ugh. Great footage though. Still, not sure I can hold out for the entire series with with his lame-ass hosting.


alexis said...

all these people talking of vacation makes me feel like I could use one too. Maybe NJ not the first choice, but the Sox/Yankees game should be awesome!

stef said...

I wonder if Lame ass hosting has been the death of many a nature program?

Anonymous said...

Just once I'd like to see the bear, tiger, whatever just turn on the host. Then we'd have some good tv.

Anonymous said...

el supremo there was one on the NG channel, some nut job took his girlfriend into the wilderness to live amungst the bears. filmed the adventure. the bear ate him and the girl no video footage of the dinner party but they did have audio.

Anonymous said...

PWC test, i agree with the concept of qualifying people to drive those but like JImmy Buffet said "there is no dumb ass vaccine". i think three people have died here in the bay this year on the PWC.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I've actually learned quite a bit from this boating course. Good stuff. You're right though dd, no cure for stupid.

I wonder stef......if any show is going to get killed off because of the host, this one surely will.

I hope Ken for Joisey doesn't read your comment Alexis! Actually, we're going to be in NYC one day and then a lake in Pennsylvania. My Joisey exposure will actually be fairly limited.