Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A little vertigo today

Had to head home from work early today after suffering from a bout of dizziness that rears its ugly head periodically. Normally it doesn't even get to the dizziness stage, but today it did. When it gets like this, I have to take some medication, meclizine, which is useful in fighting off the vertigo.

About 10 years ago or so, I had an inner ear infection that completely disabled me until the ER pumped some meclizine into me intravenously. The condition I was in wouldn't allow me to take anything orally, even water. Heck, I couldn't even move my head without becoming violently ill. It was terrible.

The vertigo is also related, I've been told by doctors, to my tinnitus. The ringing seems to pick up considerably just prior to becoming dizzy. Anyway, that's all I can type about for now. Maybe this is what I had been feeling the last few days......


Anonymous said...

Holy crap that sounds horrible! Hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I hate to mention this, but I just read yesterday's post...maybe your body is telling you that you're getting just a tad to old for all this super athletic stuff? You know I'm a big supporter but you got to listen to your body.

alexis said...

goodness that sounds terrible! I hope you are feeling better shortly. Not sure if baseball is a big part of making this condition worse or not, maybe your doctor knows?

Anonymous said...

Joe - Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Call us if you need anything, we're just around the block.

stef said...

O gosh. That condition sound like my worst nightmare. I sure hope you are feeling better now.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Thanks for all the good thoughts folks. Except for el supremo who I think just wants me to stop playing sports so I work more!! :-p

Nah, really, it's all good. This time the dizziness got a little worse than usual, but my medicine works pretty well once I make the call to take it. Of course it also knocks me out for the most part, so I'm just getting started on my day!!

Anonymous said...

Joe- I saw your post about Top Chef on the BCD blog and clicked your link to check out your blog. There is a history of Meniere's disease in my family and my Grandmother was affected by horrible tinnitus and vertigo attacks for most of her life. About 10 years ago she went to the Shea ear clinic in Memphis and they performed a procedure that cured her tinnitus and Meniere's. I don't know if that's information that can be of help to you or not but I figured that I'd pass it on. Good luck and I hope you start feeling better soon!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Thank you Kiki!! I'll look into that clinic. I know there's a surgery where they drill a hole in your head behind your ear...but I'm not sure of all of the ramifications of it.