Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Saint Peter.....the Rabbit?

Not sure if you've been watching the current season of South Park or not, but if not, you really should. Sure, the humor is fairly sophomoric, but damn has it been topical this year. Good stuff. This week the writers put forth the proposition that St. Peter was actually a rabbit and was supposed to be the head of the Catholic church, not the Pope. In fact, the Pope's hat was the shape that it is because it was supposed to house the rabbit's ears. Very funny. The secret society that maintains the secret is called "The Hare Club for Men". Of course, there had to be clues in DaVinci's "Last Supper".

Last night, I went to dinner with el supremo de NM, Ricardo and Mrs. Ricardo. I'd mention the restaurant, but it was AWESOME, relatively small and pretty inexpensive considering the quality of food that we received. So if I tell YOU, then who knows if I'll be able to get back in three months from now. If you go with me, then you'll know. Sorry!

Dinner last night was followed this morning by....NO, not another meal. Thankfully. We actually met with a client for which we had completed our initial engagement. They are going to try and implement our action plan by themselves, as opposed to having us help. That's part of the deal with our services though: you buy what you want and we'll tell you what the fixed price will be. Then you can buy another piece of our services, or not. This client was the first one we completely finished in Chicago! It was especially important since one of the owners is the brother of one of our other clients!

Another hand update: I really think it's broken. Yes, yes, I had an x-ray, but I'm not certain they looked closely at the area that hurts which would have been at the edge of the x-ray. I don't know. I can press on it and it's ok, but I still can't shake hands well and it's sort of inflamed, but in a scar-tissue kind of way. Hmmm, maybe they left a sponge in there while I wasn't looking. Sounds like a lawsuit!


alexis said...

at least the pain of the broken hand will be eased by the pleasure of suing.

stef said...

Sorry about your hand. that sounds unpleasant. Now that El Supremo is gone, I guess it's back to a life of austerity for you!

Anonymous said...

For those that think that Lakeview lives in austerity while I'm not there, I respectfully suggest one go back and read the Bears game tailgating posts!