Monday, January 28, 2008

Politics suck, but the weather was nice today!

I watched the state of the union address tonight....well, at least most of it. Full on homemade soup from MWrigley, I fell asleep towards the end. But how could I not?? Bush said little that was inspiring, but what could he actually say? The economy's in the shitter and nothing we can do in his last 350 days will change that. We're stuck in Iraq for some time, certainly longer than the next year. We're making no progress on getting bin laden. Pakistan is getting uppity. Gasoline prices, by all accounts, will hit $4.00 a gallon this summer. And there's too many dollars chasing too few resources.

Then the governor of Kansas gets on and starts talking about the President joining the Democrats to "get things done." Well why don't the Democrats join the President? And why didn't she actually offer solutions to anything? All she called for was unity, which won't happen unless the Dems win the White House. Instead of saying join the Dems to make the tough decisions in Iraq, why not offer what you think those tough decisions should be? I was very disappointed.

OMG, I just saw a clip on John Stewart of Mitt Romney with a group of black people saying, "Who let the dogs out? Who? Who?" You've gotta be shittin' me. That guy's a douche.

Temps hit in the mid to upper 40's in Chicago today! It wasn't sunny, but at least the temperature was nice. Most of the snow has melted. Sweet!

One week to the Super Bowl. In the past, I've had groups of people over to watch the game, but this year I think I'm going to be more reserved. Why? First, my basement is still half torn up from my August flood. Second, I still haven't bought a replacement television for the living room upstairs, so I'm down to two watchable tvs. Finally, I've had this really, really annoying cough that just won't go away. Last thing I want to do is annoy people during the commercials!!


alexis said...

I didn't watch this year. Maybe I will read the two line summary in the FT today. Probably not. Just counting the days til he's gone.

stef said...

After the speech the commentator (I think it was Tim Russert) described the speech as a "best of" the Bush years. Wherein most of the topics he touched on were years old. Blah.

also yes. Mitt Romney is a douche.

Anonymous said...

You should watch Colbert refer to Mitt Romney -- whenever he refers to him, he shows Guy Smiley from Sesame Street. The resemblance and mannerisms are uncanny!

As for the temps, enjoy them fo a few more hours. They are supposed to drop to single digits tomorrow!