Thursday, September 20, 2007

Welcome to 1994

OJ on the run and in trouble with the law. Hillary presenting a health care plan. It's 1994 all over again!

Have you seen the previews for this Caveman tv show? I'm not sure I can think of a worse premise for a show.

Today, Ricardo and I headed west on Chicago Avenue to find a place to have lunch. We're at Halsted which is 800 west. We ended up at 2300 west before finding even a decent place to eat. By then we were in Ukranian Village I think and ate at some interesting little dive. We met T-Rex Tim, aka Lil'Tim, who came into the office for the first time in memory. He was actually supposed to be the third person in our office, but he opted for greener pastures...with our blessing. He's hunting for the perfect job for him (kudos) and might be in the office more often for a bit. We'll see.

This week has been terrible for me getting up in the morning. Seems like no matter what I do, I hit my snooze hour. Terrible. Hopefully tomorrow will be different, but it's after midnight already, so do I even have a chance?? Not really.

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