Monday, September 03, 2007

The Three, no Four, no Five, no Six, Shit Seven-C's

In the short news blurbs section:

You read it here first. I warned you and this kid didn't listen. Just avoid the sand. Swim with sharks instead.

Biggest waste of money EVER. Look at this study. Good Lord.

Ok, now on to my main topic. Last week when I had lunch with two lady friends and their kids, the topic of my dating life of course came up. One of the women's husband was there too and he said while he was dating (he's about my age I think if not older and they met only two years ago) he said that women look for the three C's: Confidence, Control and Comedy. Now I didn't ask for this bit of advice, nor do I partake in this Dr. Phil type of crap, but his statement was fairly obvious if not overly generalizing. Of course you have to have confidence and not just the guy, but the woman too. Really whether it's a loving relationship or a work relationship or just about any kind of relationship you need to exude confidence. Not very helpful.

Comedy. Have a sense of humor. Women love a guy with a sense of humor. Yeah? Well I have a great sense of humor and I know plenty of women wouldn't mind taking a 2 by 4 to my noggin. Still, who doesn't like someone with a sense of humor? Male, female, tranny? Everyone likes someone with a sense of humor. Thanks Dr. Phil you mope.

Control. This is actually very debatable. Women like a guy who takes control. SOME women like a guy who takes control. Other women, let's call, let's not go there because it's a double to control men. You can't argue this point because I know of several women like this. I've seen them in action. Friends of mine have married them. Other friends have dated them. I've gone on first dates with them (I'd never go on a second date).

So these three C's made me think of OTHER C's that women want in their man.

Currency. Yes, women would prefer a man (and vice versa) who has money or prospects of making money. Don't tell me it isn't part of the equation because you're just embarrassing yourself if you believe that. If you really think it isn't important and you're single, I know some really nice male baristas, janitors, Subway employees and even homeless guys that you should meet. Ok, I don't know any nice homeless guys. They actually tend to be crazy. Hey, there's another C!!

Crazy. Don't be. Works both ways.

Color Coordinated. Be. Does this count as two C's? Again, works both ways.

Rooster. It's the only unilateral C. Think about it.


alexis said...

heheheheheheheh. I would argue most men like the provider role. That's why I always give them the opportunity to pick up the tab.

I do love the way married people still feel like they can harp on and on about being single, even when they themselves haven't been single for AAAAAGES. But god forbid a single person try to talk about marraige.

Anonymous said...

Don't sell yourself short, Joe -- you're a tremendous slouch!


No comment about the seven Cs other than I question at least two of them. I won't say which ones.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was me, btw.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

One of my favorite lines still dejesus.

Alexis, you let guys buy your dinner because you take after your ol'man!! JK. Unfortunately for my wallet, it's socially acceptable for the man to pay for dinner and the woman to get a free dinner. Do I sound bitter about first dates?? That's why I've gone to Starbuck first dates!

alexis said...

starbucks on the first date? And you're wondering why there is no second one? :)

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Starbucks is soooo much better! Remember these are essentially blind dates, so if either party isn't excited, it's easy to bail after 30-45 minutes. If things go well there, THEN you can ask them out for dinner and drinks.

Anonymous said...

Charisma, Commitment, Carat (as in at least 1), Comfort, Conversation, Character. Great blog entry, thought provoking. You rank high in all of those (or most!). Saw this article and thought of you...more in the sense of the initial scenario and reaction, and how that makes it more normal even if less crazy (sure still insecure, but explains it from a woman's point of view a bit).>1=10444

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I agree with the article completely! It's absolutely insulting for a partner to be gawking like that, male or female. However, in the article, the gawking is not disputed. In our situation, I was absolutely focused solely on you, which made the accusations that much tougher to swallow.

Anyone who knows me knows that I ABSOLUTELY look (maybe I even sometimes gawk) at women. My good friends also know that I would never be rude to a date by gawking at someone else. I was raised better than that.

It's funny that you came across that article though!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I do like your C's though Dallas (we need a new moniker for you), though carat and currency are the same (yours is funnier though). Comfort? Not sure what you mean by that. Wearing sweat pants? :-)