Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tough Day, Difficult Night Foreseen

Today was the day that my mom was going into the doctor to have a minimally invasive procedure done, but the results of which could have very serious consequences or be fairly innocuous. As I understood it, she was going to have the procedure done at around 10:00 a.m. While I went to the office and attempted to do some work, the amount and quality of work that I could do was pretty limited.

After lunch, I called to see how it all went and the prognosis. Nobody was home.

Around 3 I called again, surely they were home now. Nope.

I tried again around 5, no answer. Members of my fantasy football league started showing up then as the draft was scheduled to begin promptly at 6. Great. So I ordered the pizzas and started the draft.

Finally, about three rounds into the draft, my parents called with an update, just as I was on the clock to make my pick. Obviously the draft came to a screeching halt while I received the update. What a coincidence though that they would call just then.

Apparently my mother wasn't scheduled for her procedure until 3, not 10, and didn't actually have it done until 4, hence the mistimed calls on my part. Fortunately, the procedure went well and the doctor is 95% certain that there will be no complications. Whew. We actually have to wait until Monday to for the final results though.

Manual Labor Mike painted my master bedroom today, so if I want to sleep in my room (which I do) it may be kind of painty smelling. I could sleep in the guest room, but since that room was just painted itself, I haven't had time to wash the sheets since my last guest. Damn, bad planning on my part. Well, hopefully I'll be able to get a good night's sleep regardless.


alexis said...

wow, so relieved to hear the surgery on your mom went ok!

Anonymous said...

I double Alexis' comment. Glad that's off your mind.

stef said...

So pleased your Mom is alright. Will keep my fingers crossed for Monday!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a relief, Joe, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Thanks for the good thoughts everyone. I'm going to see her tomorrow, but I hear her spirits are pretty high.