It's really even hard to figure out where to start on what happened this weekend.
Thursday and Friday afternoons both started off at the bar with some friends and the NCAA round one games. Did my neck still hurt? Yes, well at least my upper back and tricep hurt, but from about 11 a.m. til 7 or 8 p.m. the pain isn't debilitating. The mornings continue to be not great, but back to the bar information. I already wrote about Thursday and the home made corned beef. Friday was fun as well as I met the same folks at a local pub under new management, George Street Bar (GSB). That was fun and then I headed to The Cubby Bear, where a banker friend of mine had rented out the whole bar, or at least his bank did. It was awesome. Free booze the rest of the afternoon. Plus I ran into other professionals that I knew there! Good stuff.
Then it was off to another bar, yes the third bar of the day, to meet Ricardo and Jodi at Emitt's for their fish fry. Awesome way to end the day.
Saturday LL and I drove out separately to her folks house. LL had to go out early to get our dog Molly to her vet appointment. I took my time and went out later in the afternoon. While I was GOING to start on our taxes, I ended up spending time starting new iPad!!! Yes, both LL and I got our new iPads delivered on Friday. Good stuff. I'm excited to be using it.
Saturday night we went out for dinner at Jameson's Pub in Joliet, a place my softball teams has gone many times, as has LL and her parents. They were serving up really tasty corned beef and cabbage, so we were pretty happy. After dinner, LL and I went to downtown Joliet to the Rialto, a place we considered having our wedding reception, for a Jim Gaffigan stand up show. But not only did we have tickets, we had VIP tickets, second row, autograph poster, plus a meet and greet and DVD of his last show signed. Very awesome. Here's a pic:
His show was so damn funny. We had a great time.
Tomorrow I'll tell you about Sunday, which was just as crazy and fun!!! By the way, the temperature was in the 70's and 80's all weekend. It was the warmest St. Patrick's Day in Chicago recorded history, smashing the old record by about 10 degrees. Awesome.
Oh, and I had to change the comment sign in from just anyone to you having to be signed in. Too much spam.