Monday, May 17, 2010

Still not 100%

Some elaboration on my weekend's events. Yes, even though I was not feeling well, I went to play 4 softball games on Saturday. Why? Not because I'm some kind of masochist, but because I really needed to test my arm and see some live pitching. The outcome of the games didn't matter a whole lot to us (only 4 people from my team were there, the rest were subs), but how my shoulder felt on Saturday AND on Sunday were important. It went pretty well all in all.

Going to church services in Joliet is not a regular thing for us, but this service was special as LL's mother chose all the music in the service and her father, who sings in the choir, was doing a reading. Normally I'll sing along to songs if I know them and Sunday I knew the songs and was able to bellow out along with the congregation. Church services are always more enjoyable to me when I can sing along with the songs.

Today I wasn't feeling 100% so I took advantage of the day to do more mundane things that didn't involve thinking: laundry, grocery shopping, haircut and going to the gym. Why the latter? Well, often when you play in longer tournaments out of town, you're not feeling 100% for one reason or another, but you still have to go out there and give it your best shot so going to the gym on a day like today should help me mentally during those times if not physically.


terri said...

Glad to hear things went alright at the games. I'm impressed that you're out there already.

alexis said...

dude, your low key days sound like my productive ones!