Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Christmas Party of the Year

Had a client party tonight and it was great fun. I always enjoy hanging with my clients. If they weren't good fun, they wouldn't be one of my least not for over two years like these clients have been (there were actually two at this party).

The Festivus Tree at the client.

The food spread. I wish I could remember it all because it was pretty damn good. The sushi looking rolls were really cheese risotto rolls. There were Caesar salad cups. Prime rib sandwiches. Salmon puffs.....good just went on and on.

Just a picture I thought would turn out fun. Seems ok.

The Client company employees: average age...seemed to be 22.

The clients. They have packaging from their gifts on their heads. I wasn't the only one taking a picture, so I got a flash in my pic.

If you only read one article about how the first $350 billion of the bailout was spent, read this one. You should understand when someone says "AIG was bailed out" or a bank was bailed out, what really happened. Getting preferred stock is not a bail out. It's an investment. If Warren Buffet would have done it, I think it's safe to say that the U.S. government was ok in doing it.


Anonymous said...

Tell the clients that we now expect them to be attired thus-ly at all future meetings.

Anonymous said...

Festivus has a pole, not a tree. Dumbass. ;-)