Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Being grateful...defined?

Stef asked in yesterday's blog if the "Things I'm grateful for" section is making a difference. It's an interesting question that needs to be answered by answering other questions.

What was I hoping to have come out of the "Things I'm grateful for exercise"? Well, according to the studies in my original entry, I would generally perceive myself and be perceived as being, healthier and happier after doing this for some period of time. The studies, I believe, were longer term in nature, so it's probably way too soon to note any measurable difference.

How different is a "difference" for different people? (nice sentence huh?) My life, by all accounts, has to be considered as pretty fortunate. Nine days out of ten I don't HAVE to be anywhere or doing anything. Not a whole lot of people have that ability at any age, much less at 42. So I would suspect that I might be happier than the average person (and probably healthier too, but the average person doesn't have random vertigo attacks so I'm leaving that on the shelf for now). The grateful exercise would make a much greater impact more quickly if my life were more average in nature I have to believe. For me, it's been a good daily reminder that "hey, I have a pretty good life during a period in history when it's pretty darn good and fun to be alive". Even aristocrats 600 years ago had issues with the plague or could be killed by the flu and didn't have microwaves or mechlizine, so money isn't everything. It's a confluence of circumstances.

So has it changed me yet or are changes readily apparent? No, I don't think so. But as a guy who can be overly critical of his sports teams and stupid people (not always two separate classes by the way), the more chances I have to be positive, the better. That's part of why I like to surround myself with positive, happy people like Ricardo, esdnm, Benny Baseball, Joisey Ken, Sausage King Andy, etc. They're not only good, fun people, but they are pretty positive as well.

Things I'm grateful for:
#22 Good friends who are positive, funny, intelligent people.
#23 Being able to shop online. What a time saver!! You can't just get those hours of your life back normally.
#24 Golf. Boy do I miss golf. I want to be warm again.


alexis said...

I would suspect the effects happen slowly over time, but that they would be good!

stef said...

Interesting. I suspect, having a more "average" lifestyle it might have more of an effect on me. If i ever get started! ;0)

Anonymous said...

I suspect that you have already been in a state of gratitude for quite some time - as your realization of the benefit of your lifestyle.

For me the gratitude exercise is one of daily going through the whole list of things I'm grateful for and being sure that I focus on that feeling of gratitude.