Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Uh oh, is that a tickle in my throat?

Stressful work and the bitter cold (along with some alcohol) might have weakened my defenses a bit going into my holiday "marathon". I'm taking preventive steps, but we'll see how it all goes. If need be, I can always take a night or two off (gasp!).

So the other day when it was bitter cold (pick one), I threw on my lounging sweat pants. It was at that point that I realized the drawstring was thinning and had been broken and repaired twice. Now, as you know, I certainly have the means to own a decent pair of sweat pants, but honestly I haven't even thought about getting another pair. In fact, I tried to figure out how old this pair of Timberland sweatpants actually is. I'm afraid to mentally go back past four years, but I guarantee you it's more than that. Funny how we get attached to things. Funny too, how while you're laying in bed you think a paragraph on your blog about your sweat pants might be interesting. Or that a cookie sheet will do the job of a broiling pan.

I saw on the tele (I think that's how the Brits spell it) the other day that Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey are dating/living together/married, I'm not exactly sure. Really? Does that strike anyone else as just a bit odd? I know Jenny isn't the prize she used to be before she lost her "human face" and normal body shape for the airbag and starvation look, but Jim Carrey? Okay, the guy's funny, I'll give him that....but he kind of looks like a sewer rat now with his new hair style. Anyway, it just caught me off guard. Here's the young Jenny if you don't recall her appearance. Actually, I'll put up a new one too.

Young Jenny. Newer Jenny.

Will the "real" Jenny please stand up?

My buddy from Jersey recommended CNet for checking out info on the big tele. Looks like they have some good info and they even rate them. Nice.


alexis said...

sweat pants need to be broken in though - I would consider older ones "finely aged" rather than "ratty". Especially for wandering around the house, nothing beats the worn-thin feel that only years of investment brings.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Isn't that the truth though? I love these sweats, even though they probably should be discarded. Also, I think I could put on like 75 pounds and still fit into them. I'll try not to test that theory.