Friday, April 09, 2010


Earlier this week I had my PT session for an hour and then headed to the gym to further my workout, specifically to run on the treadmill. The week before I had put in 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, but it's just not the same as running and bearing your own weight. Since it's been a while since I've been running, I reduced the speed but kept the time at my normal 20 minutes. My performance on the treadmill was.....less than exciting. In fact, it was downright depressing. Even at the reduced speed I had to revert to walking every 5 minutes or so. Ugh.

That was Wednesday, so today I headed back to the gym to see if Wednesday was an aberration or the new norm. Again I used the reduced the speed and targeted 20 minutes again. This time however, I ripped it off without much of a hitch and now walking. Turns out my PT sessions really are exhausting! Maybe I'll try to space out my gym visits and my PT sessions, but that would mean working out 4-5 days a week......yikes, I might be too old for that!


terri said...

I prefer the treadmill to the elliptical as well. And I have days like that on the treadmill and don't even have PT to blame!

Glad to see things leveled off by today. I'm sure you're right. PT & a workout all in the same day may just be too much.

el supremo de nm said...

Pace yourself friend. Last thing you need is for something else to break.