Friday, April 23, 2010

Good Food

Had another solid run at the gym today and am holding onto my 3 pound weight loss. I really only need to lose 5-10 pounds, so this first 3 is important. My physical therapist told me yesterday that she had read that weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise. If you think about it, it makes sense. Today I ran for 25 minutes and cooled down for 5 and burned 400 calories. That's a couple of beers or bowls of cereal! Not much.

The weight I've dropped was hard to get off first and I think it's because I was building up muscle tissue at the same time. So while I was burning some fat probably, I was also putting on some of the muscle I had lost over the last four months. That's fine though because that muscle also BURNS more calories, so it's good to build it up.

With LL cooperating, we've been having some really tasty, healthy meals. We start every meal with a spinach salad with cucumbers or tomatoes. Then we've been having either sweet potatoes or butternut or acorn squash, just delicious. We've also had portobella mushrooms on the grill, pork chops, scallops, or steak. Quantity is important and so is quality. It's easy to eat well when the food tastes good!!

1 comment:

el supremo de nm said...

Feel free to do the same when I'm in town - seriously.