Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sooo much pain

Yesterday was my PT day. After an hour with my therapist, my shoulder was literally just hanging from the socket down my side. It was exhausted, but it didn't really feel like it hurt per se. Then I went to bed.

Ugh. It hurt so bad it woke me up again (after having already taken 2 Tylenol PM's) and in the morning it hurt so bad I think it gave me a headache. As a result, I took 3 ibuprofens and slept in until about 10. By then the shoulder finally felt tolerable. It's going to be a looooonnnnngggg couple of months of rehab if this is what I have in store.

During the day my power went out, actually the power went out from Belmont up past my street and from Broadway to Halsted at least. So I headed into the office, which was fine because I was going to see T-Rex Timmy after work for a few drinks anyway. As usual, it was a productive couple of hours at the office and a very good time hanging with Tim (and Ricardo who joined us later on).

Unfortunately I didn't have time to sit down and think about the next 20 years of my life, but I'm not forgetting about it. So much to ponder.....

In other news, my heart "flutterings" are back. Boo. They showed up again two days ago. Nothing serious, but it was nice to have them gone for such a long stretch. I'm not actually sure that they do "go away", but I certainly haven't been noticing them if they were still there. Not so anymore though. Sigh.....


alexis said...

that is not the best of news on the health front. Hang in there and you will persevere

el supremo de nm said...

Sorry to hear about all the pain though I suspect it is not to be avoided to get the potential benefits. Also boo on the heart flutterings :(