There seem to be many possible answers. Here are three:
1) A perfectly natural sexual act conducted in an indoor sports arena;
2) How Katrina victims now refer to the New Orleans Super Dome;
3) The new right fielder for the Chicago Cubs.
I'll let you figure out the right answer.
Last night we held our wine tasting event at a new venue, Randolph Wine Bar. We moved from Just Grapes because of their lack of entrepreneurial spirit and unwelcoming attitude.
Lots of professionals were supposed to attend, but the threat of nasty rain/ice/snow made for some last minute cancellations. Still, we had about 20 people there altogether. Ricardo made name badges!
Several tables were reserved for "Richard". No last name, no Podolny Group, nothing. Very odd.
Champagne and seven bottles of wine set up for the tasting. I really enjoyed almost all of them!
One crowd picture after Ricardo made me go take a picture of the crowd. He's so pushy!
Moments later from a different angle. Is that Mrs. Ricardo?? It is! And dejesus freak is in this shot too.
Last group shot from the other side of the room.
Here's a cool, romantic corner taken with the flash on.
Same corner with the flash off. Somewhere there's a happy medium for my basic Cannon digital camera, but I don't know enough to figure it out.
This is at Alahambra restaurant not to far from the bar. Overpriced middle eastern food, but the decor is awesome!!
Stef's main dish came out in this container. It was scallops and they were outstanding (I had one).
el supremo had a similar dish set up, but he had the leg of some animal. Can't remember which one.
good for you for finding a wine tasting bar that actually wants you! Too bad all the pictures didn't show up, but I'd recognize that belly in the last one any day.
The event was very fun- glad you took some pics!
My guess is for 2 on the fukudome
el supremo and I had the lamb tagine. It was quite good.
Thank you dejesusfreak.
Watch those comments Alexis - Karma's a nasty mistress :)
Answer to question - I soooo wish it were number 1 but, sadly, I know it is number 3
The event was also of note since three of the regular community of Lakeview commentators were present.
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