Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ringing ear

Tonight we rented Social Network. I have to say, a freaking awesome movie which you should absolutely run, don't walk, to go rent if you haven't seen it. Very fun. We rented the movie from Red Box and it made me want to know what the story was behind Red Box. And also whatever happened to Sean Parker, the guy from Napster who advised Facebook until his arrest on cocaine possession? Turns out he's on his way to be being a billionaire again. I love Wikipedia. The Red Box story could be compelling too.

The last couple of weeks my tinnitus has been acting up like crazy. If you don't recall, tinnitus is a ringing in the ear. Fortunately I guess, only my left ear rings (which is actually fairly common with tinnitus just have one ear ringing not necessarily the left one). But it's been ringing very loudly compared to normal. To create background noise (white noise if you prefer) I run a floor fan outside my bedroom door, a habit I picked up as a Resident Advisor in college which would drown out the noises of people on my floor acting up. Actually, I slept through more than one false fire alarm because of the fan. But I digress. Because my ear is ringing, I can't actually hear the fan! That's how loud it's been. Why? It's tough to determine. The disease or condition if you will, is not very well understood. Caffeine, salt and alcohol all impact it negatively, which is why I'm constantly ranting about sodium levels in restaurants. For some reason I don't rant about alcohol though...hmmm. Anyway, as this is my journal and not just a blog, I wanted to make a record of it so next year I can check back and see if my ear was ringing. There does tend to be some seasonality to it ringing, but again, I don't know why.

One last thing, as I know people don't often check my blog over the weekend, I wanted to remind you that Monday is Martin Luther King Day and it's the 25th anniversary of the holiday. As usual, I'm pretty sure, I'll reprint his "Dream" speech. Have a great weekend!


alexis said...

that is very thoughtful of you Joe, thanks for reminding us about Monday!

I'm sorry your tinnitus is acting up - how annoying to not be able to do anything.

terri said...

Will definitely make it a point to see The Social Network.

I can't imagine living with tinnitus. It must be frustrating. Ironically, my left ear started ringing as I finished reading this. Strange!

dancilhoney said...

I sometimes experience hearing difficulty and i don't know why. thanks for the kind information you sharing. Tinnitus Miracle ebook