Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A terrible loss

No, not McCain. We lost Michael Crichton to cancer. Though I write this blog and have sketched out an outline for a book and enjoy writing very much, I don't enjoy reading a whole lot. Anything Al Franken writes, I'll read because he's so damn funny. Two of his books (Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Why Not Me? which was his fake run for the presidency against Al Gore on the platform of lower ATM fees) are definite must reads. Crichton was another author who I enjoyed immensely and would even take on vacations. Just a solid, fun, interesting read. The movies he worked on included: West World, Coma, The Andromeda Strain, Jurasic Park and The Great Train Robbery. Quite a talent.

Joisey Ken, whom I think I can safely catagorize as staunchly conservative, sent me a politically inflammatory email as we do to each other in good sparring fun. However this time, for once, he actually made me think something other than "Ken's been hitting the juice and listening to Rush Limbaugh again" (wow, two Rush mentions in the same post!!!). Ken took objection to my comments on the South and the rampant racism I implied....or actually just stated. Now, I'm sure Joisey Ken would agree that we can find racists and racism in all 50 states....well, maybe not Hawaii...that's just paradise.

But my commentary from yesterday used the South voting for McCain as a sign of our lack of racial maturity or racial tolerance evolution. But the South voted for Bush as well and in very strong numbers, so for me to imply they voted AGAINST Obama, is blatantly misleading. They could simply be conservative states who vote Republican regardless of the other candidate.

Next, I tackle the reason why, based on exit polls, 95% of blacks across the country voted for Obama. *I wonder what percent vote Democratic regardless of candidate? As it turns out, 88% of blacks voted for Kerry in 2004, so that's not a terribly high jump to 95%. By the way, am I the only person intrigued to find out that 83% of white jews voted for Obama? For some reason I thought they would be more conservative in nature.

Finally, another terrible loss that would have made us more European. In San Francisco, proposition k failed to pass. Fortunately I bought refundable tickets.

*Actually there's no way I'm touching that one. You can find the data on CNN.


alexis said...

hahahaha - trust be Joe, it is less interesting than you may think.

Good point on the exit polls & racism.

Anonymous said...

FYI- I dont listen to Rush Limbaugh! I like to hear both sides of any issue, then and only then do I have an opinion. The fact that if Obama lost people would say we were a racist nation IS the problem.He is the most liberal senator we have and if you can't vote against someone based on issues without being called a racist- THAT IS A HUGE PROBLEM :-) I am behind Obama 100% now that he has been elected. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

stef said...

hee hee hee! How did prop k get no media attention? Lord knows here in America we like our whores like we like our drugs - illegal!

On the race tip. While I agree that it may be misleading to say that people in the south voted based on race instead of conservative issues. but I don't think anyone that looks at that line on that map could help but imagine that it was somehow a factor to some degree.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Ken you LOVE Rush and everyone knows it! :-)

Stef that's exactly why I initially wrote what I wrote. It's like the civil war battle lines!! But just because they are conservative, ass backwards red-necks, doesn't mean they are racist too. Well, they ARE racist too, but it doesn't mean that's why they voted Republican. :-)

Anonymous said...

As far as Jewish voting patterns, the Jewish community has always been predominately liberal - a tradition that goes all the way back to the birth of the Social Democrats in Europe in the late 19th century.