"Switching directions Boss."
"Switching directions."
"Small logs coming Boss."
"Small logs coming."
"Hatin' the Packers Boss."
"Hatin' the Packers."
Obviously this was the grill being fired up. I think it was steak night.
This scene was 10 times more smokey than it looks here. Not sure why, but it was out of control for a few minutes. The chairs are near the pit which we sat around outside every night.
The group photo!!
Yeah, this didn't come out so well. The neighbors, Dick and Mary are in there somewhere. Really nice folks. Everyone should be so lucky to have such neighbors.
This week, el supremo has been in town so I've been working morning until night. Hopefully next week I'll more insightful posts!!!
Answers to yesterday's questions:
Did I survive the smoked filled Chateau? yes, but only for the short term. Longer term, the second hand smoke I'm sure has done me in.
Ricardo answers the question: how many packs of cigarrettes can he smoke?? I counted at least 5. Good Lord man....WTF??
MLM answers the question: how can he get out of work AND how many BAD cigarrettes can he smoke??? To quote MLM, "I'm a cook. I don't do dishes." Unfortunately for him, we ALL cooked at least one meal, so that didn't fly. He did dishes on Monday morning. And for the second answer, as many as he possesses.
Was Bill shaved and his body hair turned into a rug? No, but we threatened it all weekend!!
How many times did Smitty moon the rest of the cabin and why do his pants have trouble staying up???? I have no answer to the latter question, but I believe at least three times is the answer to the former. It was like alcohol made him 12 again.
And was anyone taken behind the woodshed - snerk, snerk.
what a totally awsome weekend - you guys look like you had a great time!!
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