Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So much to write about, such a short attention span of my readers.

Not a jab at you my faithful readers, but realistically, every additional sentence I write above a certain length starts to lose people.

Manual Labor Mike, my "contractor", stopped his painting a bit short today because the red I chose is not really looking as I expected. It's too red, not enough brown...if that makes sense. Back to the paint store in the morning.

Continued to watch Into Alaska with the insufferable Jeff Corwin. Probably four years ago, I made my way up to Alaska and the show I watched today was about Denali National Park. They even had the airport where I took a flight around Mt. McKinley. Pretty cool. How often do you watch the travel channel or National Geographic and say, "I was there!" Another episode is the Kenai Penisula, which is where I took a cruise and ran into this character from TV:

Recognize him?

Today turned out to be another good day. After making all sorts of calls to various banks and such for work and a trip to Menards to return items and purchase new ones, my afternoon and evening were much different than expected. I was expecting to be at home while the plumbers came to do their work on the building, but their truck broke down so now they can't make it until tomorrow morning. Instead, I met a new lady friend at a Starbucks and then took in a matinée. Afterwards, I was still able to get a workout in before dinner. Not bad!!

Relationships are soooooo interesting. In the last five years or so, heck maybe the last three, I've really learned so much about women specifically and people in general about how they think about relationships, the lasting impact of past relationships (AKA baggage), insecurities (remember the crazy Dallas chick?), identifying control issues, oh and I could go on and on. It really makes dating and meeting people somewhat intriguing. Even if they don't talk to you much, even the act of NOT talking is interesting. We are all so much the product of our experiences and relationships, it deals genetics a severe blow.


alexis said...

AND you met your future wife at star bucks. I'm writing them for you damn it!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! did you and Jared have subs together???
Relationships = Life experience...
I like it!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry -- did you say anything in your last four paragraphs? I caught something about a contractor and Alaska, but I don't know what that was.

Is there any pictures this time? I like pictures more than words. Words are hard.

stef said...

That must of been some conversation you had at the Starbucks! Seems like you've been meeting women everywhere you go these days...at least according to your blog entries.;)

Anonymous said...

Glad we're going for more brown in the red. Too bright a red - bad thing for el's jangly nerves.

Maybe for Dejesus you could do a pictograph post or a cartoon?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Hold on there Alexis! No one said anything about a meeting a future wife!!

dejesus, that was freaking funny. And by the way, it's Lyndsey.

Ya'know Stef, it was just spontaneous. We walked outside because I was cold from the a/c. Walked by the theater, she looked to see what time Bourne Ultimatum was playing and it started in one minute. So we bought tickets and went in. Our conversation was good though as she's a bright gal.

We'll see what color I come up with this morning el supremo. Looks like I'm a shade or two off right now.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Oh, and bee, no we did not share a sub. He was wolfing down a plate of fish and rice.....with two forks! I think they were starving the dude.

Anonymous said...

Correction...crazy Chicago chick!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

That's true anonymous, but if I used Crazy Chicago chick as her moniker, many women would think I'm talking about them!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I see. :-) I'm sure there are many women that you've dated and who fall in the unsuccessful relationship category, who live in Chicago, who consider themself crazy, and read your blog. I understand the distinction now!

Seriously, very flattered to check your blog after several months and see that I'm still featured. Glad you're writing every day, it's quite an accomplishment to keep a blog up like that. Your living room looks awesome now.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend...I'll check in around Thanksgiving since I'll hope for an entry about anniversaries and those comments might be kinder.

Be well...

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

So, it really is you! I'd recognize those comments and writing style anywhere.

Sometimes Ricardo writes and pretends to be you (and other people sometimes), which is what I thought happened again.

Thanks for the well wishes. The blog is fun and it distracts me from my lack of a meaningful relationship. :-)

Remember, you broke it off with me and made false accusations in the process. I think I've been pretty nice in light of that info.

It's all good. My best to you as well.