That said, I have a 7 a.m. meeting one day a month at my church and GUESS what day the meeting was this month.....yep, today. Ugh. Fortunately it was worse just getting up at 6 and on the road by 6:30 than actually driving through the snow and such. Tell you what though, today was another great day to have a remote starter! Thanks again for the idea Kenny from Jersey!!
As the snow was piling up today and minimal traffic was going up and down the street, I looked out the window and saw the one thing that irritates me to no end when the snow falls: someone had put orange cones out where their car was parked as if to save their spot. First of all, we had a bunch of snow but it was on top of nothing so it's not like they had to dig out. So, as I tend to do at least once or twice every winter, I went out, picked up each cone and threw them into the deepest snow banks that I could find. And not just one snow bank, three different snow banks. You should see what I do to furniture that gets left out there to save spots!!

Now, I realize there can be some faults with my actions: 1) the person who eventually takes the spot has no idea the cones were there; 2) the cone-bastard who set out the cones will eventually return and be unhappy; 3) the cone-bastard may exact revenge on a perfectly innocent person. I figure, for every cone-bastard that does exact revenge on an innocent person, another one, somewhere, gets beat up by said innocent person who happens to be returning to their car while the cone-bastard is exacting revenge. Most of them just move on though and find a spot like the rest of us (though I do have a rented spot).
That's my winter fun though. On really good days, I'll just walk down the street tossing cones and furniture left and right opening up spots for everyone!! I'm like the candy man.
Mr. Coffee - I'm a strong supporter of the old lawnchair marking system and disagree with your actions. The ritual of shoveling a spot and marking it with lawn chairs or whatever has been a Chicago action since cars were invented. Now, granted, the individual you described did not perform the labor to earn the spot, others who do dig out have a traditionally accepted rigtht to that space.
I live with one who is in agreement with you, so right now that makes it 2 to 1. But we traditionalists will prevail! over those who come from the netherlands and try to change Chicago!
Power to the lawn chairs!
I think you should swap the furniture from one spot to another.Think of how humorous this would be when the person came back and saw their chair down the street!
While I understand your point of view, Joe, what I don't get is why you are tossing someone's cones on behalf of a future unknown stranger. It would be understandable and defensible if you wanted the spot for yourself, but if all you're doing is tossing someone's furniture when you don't even need the spot, then you're not much different than the other guy.
Put another way, why can't the guy who needs to park move the cones himself? Other than for your own amusement, why do you take it upon yourself to intervene?
I live in the Netherlands now but I agree with the traditionalist. If you've dug your car out of all that snow, it sure is nice to enjoy the fruits of your labor after you get home.
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