It's been circulating now in an email as being legit. Unfortunately, you can go here to find the REST of the story: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/24/business/media/24billboard.html?ex=1311393600&en=57604c242c99b89d&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
Damn, that would have been cool if it really happened.
Due to your demands, I put a picture of me up on the Tuesday blog next to JK Simmons. Judge for yourself if we look alike!
This weekend I was supposed to go up to my buddy Rich's cabin in Wisconsin with three other guys for a weekend of gambling and winter activities (skiing and snowshoeing). However, I was feeling a little rundown after last weekend and a few long days at the beginning of the week and opted to stay home instead. Now, in addition to softball on Saturday and my church fundraiser also on Saturday, I have a crap load of work to finish by next week otherwise one of my clients won't get sold. Oh well, with the cold weather, it's probably for the best.
Today I reconnected with a buddy of mine that I used to work with, I'll call him Big C. Big C is out east now and runs his own company, but back in the mid-90's, he was working with me at Morningstar. One night, after a company party I think, a whole bunch of us headed out to The Vic for nickel beer night at Brew-n-View. That's right, beer was a nickel a piece and they would play 2-3 movies on the big screen. Tables were set up, but you could sit in the regular theater seats too. People were talking during the movie and such, but it was still very, very fun.
Well, on this particular night, most of Big C's department went out with us, including one person who just started (I think, the day before, but certainly that week). This girl didn't know a soul and, as we found out, didn't live downtown. So we're drinking and having fun and this girl gets more and more drunk until she's throwing up all over the place (in the beer pitcher, in the bathroom, on some guy's shirt). So Big C and I try to take control of the situation, mostly because we didn't want to go home yet. We get her wallet and it says she lives in Calumet City, a freakin' life-time away from downtown Chicago. Then we went to a pay phone (watch Seinfeld and you'll see cell phones weren't readily available as they are now) and called information looking for relatives of hers in Calumet City. Getting lucky, we find her parents, take $40 out of her wallet and pour her into a cab with an empty popcorn bucket. In retrospect we shouldn't have left her incapacitated with a cabbie, but it seemed ok at the time and we were much younger.
Now think about this girl though: first week of work, doesn't really know anyone she's going drinking with, doesn't know anyone downtown and drinks for like four hours until she gets drunk and passes out. So if you think Big C and I used bad judgement putting her in that cab, what about her?!! Maybe Big C can fill us in on whatever became of that drunken filly.
oh man, why did all the cool people quit morningstar? :( Although I'd guess "the filly" probably is running an SBU now or something!
I really thought Big C would comment with her name or some kind of ID. I think her name was Lisa and I'm not sure how long she stayed at MStar or even if she's still there!
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