Monday, January 09, 2012

Good and Bad

Ok, so my future headline from yesterday now seems HIGHLY unlikely. Maybe I jumped the gun a bit. Why the change of heart? One of the few people I actually respect and listen to as far as their opinion on things is Fareed Zakaria (when it comes to the Middle East at least). I read his article today that provided a little more color to the situation in Iran. I tell ya, God willing, if I'm ever President, I'm going to FORCE Fareed to work with me as an ambassador to the Middle East or something. Can I do that as President?

Had a great run today at the gym. It's my third time back running (Wedesday, Friday and now today) and this was the best of the bunch. I was able to run for 2.75 miles and walked for another third of a mile or so in about 35 minutes or so. As a bonus, I did 5 10-minute mile minutes that were spread out during the 11 minute miles I was doing. Good stuff. Then I went to the weight room and did some leg exercises before heading home. Wednesday I'll run and lift some weights.

Tomorrow should be another gorgeous day here in Chicago, in the 50's, so I'll head to the driving range one last time. We'll see if the swing improves any.

Last night I made my usual trout with mushroom dish (you can easily find it on All Recipes) but I added some green peppers to the mixture. It turned out great!! Vegetables are good.


alexis said...

I miss having time for exercise! But I don't think I ever missed running :)

terri said...

I just looked up the recipe. They would LOVE this dish at my house. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to give this one a try soon.

I'm jealous of your ability to just get back into running. I'm so bad at it!

It's gorgeous here today too. Tomorrow we may get some snow. Thursday we'll have a high of 16! What a roller coaster!

el supremo de nm said...

Great article - Gad if we could just get more of this kind of information rather than the hyped up polemics.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Terri, definitely add some green peppers to the mushroom mix, very tasty. I bet some regular red bell peppers would be great too.