Friday, February 06, 2009

Day one in the keys

Actually it's only a partial day, but we left for the airport at 9:30 so traveling took up most of the day. On the plane I watched Death Race, a pretty cool action movie. Highly recommend it especially if you have any affinity at all to Snake Pliskin.

Instead of taking the toll road and (supposedly) faster route to the keys, we took Dixie Highway, Highway 1....the more scenic route. Well, it didn't turn out to be scenic at all and traffic was awful!! We stopped a couple of times so by the time we got to Key Largo, we'd been driving for 2 hours already. The entire 100 mile trip, according to Google Maps, should have only took 2 hours. We went into a gas station and asked a guy inside how long it would take to get to Duck Key. He said an hour and a half. Ugh.

Apparently it was no better on the toll road as it took the bride and groom 3 hours to get to Duck Key from Miami when they arrived. It took us just under 3 hours in total I think to get to the resort.

On the way, we noticed how many strip clubs and pawn shops there were on Highway 1. The two best strip club names we saw were: The Booby Trap (all nude and full liquor) and Woody's. That's just good fun. The Booby Trap was packed.

It's not particularly warm here today, mid 60's maybe, but it's nice to be relatively warm and tomorrow proves to be even warmer.


alexis said...

were there a lot of retirees in the girly clubs? I bet ppl don't expect gramps to be spending his weekends there when they aren't visiting.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Oh, we didn't stop at them. We were just driving by and noted the names. It was a long drive from Miami, so we weren't up for to speak.