Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's old is new again

No Bears game today. No softball tournament. No trips out of town. No golf. What does Joe do with a weekend that holds none of the usual events? Well let me tell you.....quite a bit!!

Today alone I: washed the windows in the front of the condo, patched a hole in the floor where the cement was pushed up a bit and caused a hole, took out a wasp nest that was hiding in the front of my building, figured out how to fix my jalousie window and started the repair (but didn't go to the store to get the piece I need), took out the garbage (three bags....where does it all come from??), did a load of laundry and a load of dishes! A good day to compliment some good progress on projects on Saturday.

Saturday I scheduled a guy to come out and check out the water pressure as well as hot water availability. I also started on refurbishing the sofa cushions as indicated in my post yesterday. What I didn't mention was that I took the throw pillows (four of them) and re-filled them with shredded filler from the sofa pillows. The boiler some how became my responsibility as well, so I took care of starting that bad boy up on Saturday as well. It took far too much time out of my day as I had to drain a lot of water. She's working great now though!

I'm not sure if I posted this picture already or not. I found the building intriguing. Look how much of a difference new windows make!!

My mother bought some old baseball cards at a garage sale the other week and I went through them to see if there was anything of extreme value. As it turns out, there wasn't, but that's ok because she didn't pay much for them and it's the thought anyway. However, while putting away the old cards, I had to open a whole bunch of the boxes which hold my current collection. Upon filing away some football cards, I came across these gems.

Joe Willie Namath, Gale Sayers, Alex Karras, Mike Ditka and Archie Manning (Peyton and Eli's dad). Good stuff!!

The problem with having a large collection AND a bad memory is that you sometimes forget what you have. However, it can be a good thing too!


alexis said...

do you think football cards are recession-proof as an investment?

stef said...

Cool cards Joe. It is awesome to have a weekend where you feel like you were productive, isn't it?

Dalai Mama said...

Sore feet, dizziness, few extra pounds, and tons of projects around the house (including a honey-do list)...sounds like you are down with a strange phenomenon called Nesting. Not sure, but you may want to see a doctor...

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Hey wait! Who said anything about a few extra pounds?? I am thinking that I need to get the place ready for winter though. If I'm spending more time inside, it should be nice!!

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable how much you get done when you are sober :)

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Oh, and Alexis, I'm not sure if they are recession "proof" but sports memorabilia does tend to hold it's value decently. Like many hard assets (gold) their VALUE won't drop, but whether you can actually find a buyer is a different issue. The high end stuff retains it's value better than mediocre stuff.