Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time monopolized

My evening was monopolized by a church finance council meeting (at least they provided pizza and drinks). Normally we meet at 7 a.m., which I'm NOT happy about but at least I can usually go home and go back to bed, but this time we met at 7 p.m. which was much more appealing.

However, the last three innings of the World Series was on, so I was deeply conflicted as to whether I should blow off the meeting or watch the game. So I went to the meeting and Tivoed the game and didn't listen to the radio on the way home. It worked out....except the Rays lost. Boo.

Halloween costume has been selected!! I'll make sure to take a picture to post. Happy Halloween to those celebrating!!!!


alexis said...

oooo costumes, cannot wait!!

stef said...

Looking forward to the pics for sure!