Friday, October 17, 2008

Maybe not so exciting

It was definitely a Fall day today in Chicago. Even though I was tired and a bit hungover, I hit the golf course with my good buddies: Johnny "Four Bagger", Joey D and S-Lo. We golfed a month or two ago at a charity outing put on by Joey D's uncle and decided we should do it more regularly. This round has been pushed off due to: weather, Four Bagger having hernia surgery and S-Lo had "something suddenly come up". We got it in today though and did have fun, despite the chilly temps. We played some complicated betting game which I'm not really sure anyone understood. All I know is my teammate, Johnny FB, and I were getting our ass kicked, mostly because I was playing like shit (surprise!). At the end though I was only down like $10, but it should have been more like $30. When you start off with $.25 per point (6 points per hole), you have to lose a LOT to get to those kind of numbers. By the end I think each point was worth $2 so it was like $12 a hole possible. Crazy. I just tried to hit shots and putts, but didn't do well.

Speaking of "something suddenly came up", where the hell was I when Maureen McCormick was swapping sex for drugs?? Geesh, I would have taken up doing drugs for a chance to bang Marcia Brady!!! Crap. Totally not worth it now though.

Finally, this weekend, starting yesterday morning actually, is when Joisey Ken was supposed to come to Chicago. We were going to golf Thursday, Friday and Saturday and then hit the Bears/Vikings game on Sunday. Plus we were going to go to Gibson's, there's a softball team party on Saturday...damnit!!! Next year, he swears. But as a newly wed who is trying to get his wife pregnant, me thinks next year is in danger too. I'll keep the ticket for you just in case Ken!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where were you??? you were like 10 when she was swapping!!!!