Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Geography time

Geography test:
What country borders both Iraq and Pakistan?

What country is directly south of Egypt?

What country is directly south of Slovakia?

Between Columbia and Peru lies what country?

Which is further north: Toronto or Albany, NY?

Between British Columbia and Saskatchewan lies what province?

Can you name one of the seven states in Australia? Two? The nation's capital?

Answers at the bottom of yesterday's post!

I'm not trying to embarrass anyone as I would have missed most of these as well. Interestingly, what sparked the idea was a quote from McCain referring to the Iraq/Pakistani border. Of course, they don't share a border but I wonder how many reporters there knew that? Or how many staunch supporters knew that? As Americans, our geography is woeful compared to the rest of the world....myself included of course.


stef said...

I got the first one and the last one! (that's terrible isn't it?)

Anonymous said...

I got 4 - damn - I could have gotten one of the Australian ones but I was in too much of a hurry.