Monday, October 12, 2009

More tomorrow

So busy with the upcoming vacation looming and a busy day of work tomorrow. I'll get y'all some interesting stuff to noodle tomorrow.

A little bit about Detroit: Did you know,

The unemployment rate in Detroit is 30%?

Functional illiteracy in Detroit is approaching 50%?

And most astonishingly to me, that the unsolved murder rate in Detroit is approaching 70%? Seriously, 70%! That's what you get when you fire the cops and the ones left can't read. (rim shot)


el supremo de nm said...

There was a reason all the RoboCop movies took place in Detroit.

stef said...

Where did you get your statistics? That is crazy. Talk about your wild west...

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Interestingly enough Stef, from Sports Illustrated! Time Inc. bought a house in Detroit as a place for all of their journalists to stay when there to cover the sports teams or events (Time Magazine, Fortune, CNNMoney, and Money in addition to Sports Illustrated). So it sounds odd, but the data should be accurate.