Monday, October 05, 2009

Officially the senior member

My next door neighbor in the six unit condo building in which I reside, just left yesterday to move to Houston. They had lived here since the building went condo in 1978 (while I moved in in 1993). Like myself, their unit is on the first floor and is a duplex with a finished basement. The units on the second and third floors have turned over several times even since I've been living here. What does this statesmanship garner me? Nothing. In fact, as the other owners become slightly crazier by the day, I'm wondering why I live in a condo at all!

Out in Forest Park on Saturday night while dining and chatting with four other couples, I noticed how much parents talk about their kids. Granted, I was sitting closer to where several of the women were sitting, but throughout the evening, regardless of who sat where, there was plenty of kid talk going on. It was odd too that the couples didn't all sit next to their spouses. How odd. Granted, they certainly didn't HAVE to sit next to each other at the primary table which was crescent shaped. But I digress....let's get back to kid talk. While this talk was going on, I couldn't relate almost at all to what they were talking about and I didn't find it particularly interesting. However, in retrospect, that's how several of the women knew the birthday girl (through their kids) and the long-time friend had kids of roughly the same age as well.

It's just interesting to me and I think I felt like some people feel when I get on a rant with other Bears fans.


alexis said...

I think parents tend to talk about kids because they (kids) take up sooo much time they probably don't have other stuff going on

Eric H. said...

That's one of the major reasons Kim and I moved from Geneva into Chicago. Out in the burbs, if you don't have kids, your chances of meeting people in your neighborhood is basically zero.