Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A little more Mexico

Ahh, now THAT'S the kind of deal worthy of a sale sign. Same product that was only $.16 off last week. Ha! Maybe Jewel reads my blog too.

A little more about the trip to Mexico. The lagoon at which we snorkeled on Saturday is called the Yal-Ku Lagoon. The water was very calm and the fresh water/salt water mixture was pretty cool to be snorkeling through. You could really feel the cooler fresh water springs as you swam over them.

Sunday morning, when we left Mexico, was a little crazy. First, Mexico fell back an hour Saturday night at midnight. Unfortunately, our Apple representative told us to move our clocks FORWARD an hour. Fortunately I thought about it and realized he's a dope.

Though our flight didn't leave until 9:30, the same Apple rep (Arturo H.) told us we had to be in the lobby at 4:30!! There were only 5 of us going from the resort in a van, no stops at other resorts and the trip to the airport only takes 70 minutes. I was livid , but couldn't find Arturo in person or by phone. Fortunately for him, he called while I was in the shower and the much calmer LL spoke with him.

So this van picks us up and we go to get the other three people in a different lobby and they are all screwed up (also because of Arturo) so we're delayed 20 minutes. Even so, we got to the airport by 6:15. The trip to the airport was not without incident either though. The van driver kept falling asleep!!! He was drifting all over the road and then would almost come to a stop as his foot came off the peddle and then he'd speed up again as he woke up. LL was pretty freaked out by it, but he was doing a surprisingly good job and keeping the van between the lines, so I was intrigued. Then he called someone to help himself stay awake.

That part of the trip ticked me off though, so now I'm filing a complaint with Apple. We'll see how it goes.

Finally, here are some pictures I took with my underwater camera. Not bad for a $25 camera!


el supremo de nm said...

Wow - totally cool turtle pics !

stef said...

What is this "Apple" company of which you speak?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Stef, it's Apple Vacations. They put together packages and have hotels and such. They normally do a pretty good job and a good price.

DogBrian said...

Yay!!!! Seeeeeeeeeeeea Turtles.

terri said...

I'd have been a little panicky with the driver falling asleep! You were intrigued? LOL!

Those are cool pics!