Friday, May 22, 2009

Morel Coincidence?

After being gone for five days and working for two upon my return, I was finally able to clean up around the house today. One of the tasks was laundry. Right outside of our laundry room, I had this vision:

Is that what I think it is??

Pushing aside some leaves I found that it is indeed a morel!! One solitary mushroom. Nothing else in the entire yard. Crazy.

Yesterday, I think I wrote that my mother found one while raking in the yard up in northern Michigan. Odd.

This weekend is a softball tournament down in Joliet and I have to be there by 8:00 a.m., so I stayed in tonight with the GF and watched the Hawks overtime win against Detroit. We were up 3-0 and gave up 3 goals in a less than 5 minute span. Ugh. They play again on Sunday and hopefully I'll miss the game because we're playing softball still. If we are, it means we're doing really well!!

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend and that you take a minute with your families to remember why we have the day off.

1 comment:

el supremo de nm said...

This is a clear omen that a total conversion to French cooking is your destiny...Mwiahahahaha