Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

This story is a little to close for my comfort. I was there what, two weeks ago!!

I'm writing my Sunday entry a bit early today as it's Super Bowl Sunday and I'll be gone from noon until 10 or so at a fundraiser for my softball team in the burbs. So as much as I'd like to write about the game and the commercials, I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

For today, I'll write about the nice respite we've had in the weather the last two days. It's reached 40 degrees both days and that's unbelievably nice. I noticed that I was actually walking down the street with a spring in my step. From a historical perspective, to date, we're having the 10th coldest winter in thw last 124 years and the 6th snowiest. 10th and 6th out of 124!! No wonder I'm thinking of moving somewhere warm!!! On average, we still have 17 inches of snow to go.....crap.

Enjoy the Super Bowl and commercials!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes I can see you doing your Gene Kelly routine as you bounce down Roscoe to the Starbucks.

alexis said...

must be nice not to have to shovel your way to starbucks for once.