Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Where's my doctor?

Next March I turn 45 and I was thinking last night while I lie in bed, does that mean some sort of....exam? Or physical of some sort. Shouldn't my GP be calling me? Should I be calling my GP? Do GP's even really exist anymore? I bet they do in the burbs. Maybe I'm thinking more of a family doctor as opposed to a GP per se. At the University of Chicago, I'm pretty sure there aren't any "family doctors" who know everyone in your family and their history and how old they are and when it's time for a check up.

My GP is the head of a department at the University of Chicago, so I have a feeling I'm not on the top of her list. That really puts the onus on me, in a way, to manage my own healthcare. Maybe not in the end, but certainly for preventive care right? If I should get a checkup, who is going to tell me? My GP? She's never called me for anything, so I doubt that she's thinking about my preventative care. I'm guessing I need to figure it out on my own.....probably from somewhere on the internet. Just another thing for me to think about......


alexis said...

That's interesting - I would not expect my doctor to be maintaining my healthcare. My experience has always been for my adult life that the patient triggers treatment needs. I can only think of courses of treatments that are prescribed in advance for babies and children. Or if you have a disease identified.

I wouldn't ever expect the GP to call me up for a check up. I suppose that's a product of my age and the age in which I grew up.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Yeah, I think my youth was at the tail end of the "family doctor" world. Now it seems to all be about money, but there's lots of money in preventative medicine too.

terri said...

It might be time for a colonoscopy! Yippee!

Sorry. I know. That's not funny.

I have a GP. I started seeing him during my first pregnancy and he's been the family doctor ever since. When we have an appointment, he says things like he can't believe how big the kids are and it's been way too long since he's seen us. And to make me really feel old, he reminds me that his daughter was 7 years old when I first started going to him and now she's married.

This all reminds me... I think I'm due for a physical soon and I haven't received my annual reminder card! Maybe they've even stopped sending the annual reminder cards!