Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More Gluttony (blame ESDNM)

ESDNM is in town so that means two things: 1) calling on clients and 2) gluttony. So far however, it hasn't been too bad. We've only had one full on business meeting and one prospect meeting. After ESDNM got in on Monday evening, we went to the grocery store and I bought some fish and mushrooms and made my Trout with mushrooms recipe.  Turned out pretty good! This morning maybe I went a little over the top by cooking breakfast (for LL too). For some reason I decided to make buckwheat crepes with Nutella, blueberries, blackberries or bananas. Pretty tasty. For lunch we went to Fala-Fil, which is a falafel shop, as you might expect. Dinner though was sort of a stumbling block. We made a return trip to Sun-Wah, a great Chinese barbecue place that ESDNM original found for us.  Ricardo joined us, which didn't help, and we had a table full of food. It was all good, but just too much. We'll see how tomorrow plays out.....


alexis said...

stay strong Joe! Resist the temptor that is ESDMN ;)

Michael Podolny said...

Et Tu Alexi?