Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Olympic or to not Olympic?

Can I tell you how happy I am that the network shows are back on the air for the new season? Hanging out at home on the sofa, with the new carpeting on the floor and a slight chill in the air while watching three or four Tivoed shows. Good stuff.

So what do you people think about the Olympics coming to Chicago? For it? Against it? Originally I was VERY much against it. With the corruption in Chicago, there doesn't seem to be anyway we could pull off the Olympics without a massive tax hike. Many of the Olympics over the last 30+ years required the host city to go into massive debt. That said, the 1984 Summer Olympics is considered the most financially successful of the modern era. So maybe we could pull it off without huge debts.

And the Australian Olympics attracted 45 new companies to the area holding the Olympics. That means employment. Not to mention the use of existing services and companies. I'm starting to think that maybe getting the Olympics wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe......


alexis said...

I hope so, think of the sporting facilities you will enjoy afterwards!

stef said...

I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. But if there is one thing you can count on in Chicago- it is the taxpayers getting screwed.