Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Still so busy

It was another busy day today with a four hour trip to the burbs which included traveling and a meeting. Since it was almost lunch when the meeting started, I had to grab a late lunch when I got home. Fortunately, after getting caught up, there was enough time to get a trip to the gym in before dinner.

The gym is a different place after 5 with a lot more people and a lot less space to move around. It's not nearly as pleasant to be there and a bit tougher to get a workout in. Because I do 16 different exercises, sometimes more, I have to keep moving around to whatever is available as well as rotating between leg and arm exercises. The workout was pretty good though and I still got it in in about an hour.

Another day of meetings tomorrow and then Vegas baby!!!


terri said...

I have to work really hard to convince myself to go to the gym after work. And when I do, I tend to hold off until 8:00 or so. The after-work crowd is too much for me. That's why I love going first thing in the morning when there are only a handful of others around.

alexis said...

agree with terri, the after work rush is a nightmare. Just wait until January when everyone signs up with their new years resolutions!