Thursday, September 27, 2012

Planning for winter already?

While at my Starbucks today, I saw that they had K-cups on sale for essentially 50% off. Since I have a Keurig machine, but don't often use it, I decided to buy some K-cups and prepare for winter. Now, when the weather turns nasty and I don't feel like going outside, I'll have a nice cup of Starbucks coffee for which I did not overpay. Good for me!

LL is having some nausea problems that are more commonly associated with the first trimester of pregnancy even though she's at about 15 weeks or so now. She's also developed some carpal tunnel like symptoms in her wrists that are also attributed to the pregnancy. It really kills me that I can't help her or that she can't take the medicine that exists to solve these issues. Ugh. It's the way guys are wired right? I'm here to solve shit: kill the bugs, fix the whatever machine and solve the little problems. Having to sit by and not do anything is tough.

ESDNM is off to Spain for several weeks, just as we got a new client. Nice work if you can get it!


alexis said...

what is a K-cup??

Ah, I'm sorry LL wasn't able to dodge the nausea bullet completely. :(

It is hard being the guy, not able to do anything. Pregnancy the first time I think is a pretty intense experience.

Michael Podolny said...

Sorry to hear about LL. Pretty much not much we guys can do during the pregnancy thing.

Hey it's not like I didn't try to get them to commit to us earlier. I told them I was going. I think they just wanted to stick you with more of the work personally.

terri said...

Sorry to hear that LL is not feeling well. I dealt with morning sickness with all three of my kids, but it was truly limited to mornings and eased off just about the time it was expected to.

I have a coworker whose wife just gave birth to a baby girl. She was sick throughout the pregnancy and he, being a person who is used to being in control, was just beside himself. So I sympathize with your feelings of helplessness. If you're feeling anything like my coworker, every day feels like an eternity.