Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No time to write

Hello!! Boy, it's been tough to keep up with my blog lately.  It's not for a lack of things going on or topics; quite the opposite. Work has been very busy and then there's the Bears game and talking to everyone about the baby. Super busy. ESDNM came into town on Monday afternoon and we went straight from the airport to a client. Tuesday was busy again with a client meeting downtown at 9 a.m. and then a dinner meeting that went until 8.  Tomorrow morning I have to take ESDNM to the airport at 7:15 a.m. and I go to a different airport around 4-5ish to head down to Orlando for a 176 team softball tournament. My biggest concern: staying at a house with softball players. I may still end up in a hotel, but we'll see. I'll give the house a shot, but the last time I tried to stay at a house in Orlando, there were ants running up and down the bedpost and the towels were like paper towels. Not acceptable.

Look how early we were in the lot! 8 a.m. sharp for a noon game. We were back in the spots where we parked all of last year thanks to the Punke family! We have a much better time hanging out together before the game and then sitting together at the game. Good fun.

I could go on about the game, but it's bedtime and I haven't gotten to see much of LL the last few days.

One funny thing that's happening is that lots of people, upon finding out about the baby, are asking me if they can have my Bears tickets. I'M NOT DYING! I'm just having a baby! Lots of parents still go to Bears games and I plan on being one of them.


Michael Podolny said...

Thanks for schlepping me out to the Airport this morning in all that traffic!

Good luck at the tournament!

terri said...

Yeah, but are you going to be able to keep up the level of softball you're used to playing? ;-) Probably not, and you probably won't mind.

alexis said...

lol. Joe, I just wonder if you're going to eat these words. I don't think you will, mind! But yeah, life changes with kiddos. It's hard to predict.