Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Bye Week

It's a bye week for the Bears, so what does a Joe do when there's no game to attend or prepare for? Well, Friday night was a nice night in where LL made baked chicken as part of a delicious dinner. She also made a pan full of iced pumpkin bars which are fantastic! We watched some shows which we missed while ESDNM was in town and had a nice evening.

Friday was also the day that construction began on Super Closet 2.0. The new closet we added downstairs was quickly dubbed Super Closet 1.o after the idea for a walk-in closet in the same room came to fruition. Adding the closet really just made use of some wasted space outside of an existing rather large closet. Now that room will have two big closets and a big bathroom with a shower and a jacuzzi tub. Sweet (suite)! I'm not doing the work myself of course. Normally I hire Manual Labor Mike, but this time I hired a drywaller and painter who came up with the idea for Super Closet 2.0 and did the work on Super Closet 1.0. His work isn't as good as MLM, but he worked on Saturday as well as Sunday!

Friday I got a good workout in too, which came into play on Saturday. As Saturday was a pretty nice day, though slightly on the cooler side, and we had the afternoon free, I decided to see if LL wanted to go for a run down by the lake. She did and so we did, for about a mile south and then a mile back. Normally she goes further on her own, but my legs really started to ache as I realized the err of my ways with working on Friday first. Oh well, it was fun anyway and a little exercise beats no exercise!!

Saturday night brought a Halloween party at a friend's house in Elgin, which is about an hour away with no traffic, 2 days during rush hour. LL and I dressed up as Starbucks baristas and the costume was generally liked pretty well. The party hosts went all out with decorations and lights, which had the unfortunate side effect of making my phone camera useless. Someone came through with a flash though and took a bunch of pictures, so if I find them I'll re-post them. We didn't get to the party until 9:30 so we stayed until midnight and ended up sleeping in late on Sunday to recover.

After a slow start, we had a solid breakfast and then headed to the local hardware store to pick up shelving supplies for the new closet. Afterwards, and after some afternoon football, LL made dinner which was a delicious combination of pears, apples and cinnamon over pork chops along with a sweet potato. Delicious!!

We rented a movie, a scary-type movie for a change to go more in line with the season, called Priest. It's out at Redbox and we thought it was decent. A pretty great weekend!!


alexis said...

the pork chop recipe sounds great, minus the pork chop for me. What a great weekend, quite culinary in its own respect despite no ESDNM

el supremo de nm said...

Yes Alexis - evidence again that he is just trying to trash me! (Accept for the post I just made where I admitted I force him to do these things)

I suspect that the two guys actually did the work on time - unlike MLM.

How did your 'barista' costumes go over?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

The baristas at Starbucks loved it and those at the party thought they were at least "cool".