Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A little less pain

Yesterday I went to the gym again and went through my normal routine: 2 ibuprofen, 10 minutes in the dry sauna laying on my back, shooting some baskets or throwing a 10 pound ball up in the air and catching it, then stretching on a foam roll for 2-4 minutes before lifting some weights and doing exercises prescribed by my physical therapist. It has done wonders for the pain from my herniated disc. I guess the two weeks I went without going to the gym is what contributed to much of my pain. It wasn't all my fault though as I was supporting Ricardo every afternoon in his court case. Totally worth it.

It may be a little boring to read, but it's important for me to keep track of my health here on my blog. At least I'll be able to go back and reference something.

Time for pictures!

On Friday and through Sunday, we had Pam visiting us. As I think I mentioned, she moved up here from Carbondale and was getting set up in her apartment but didn't even have a bed yet! So she stayed with us while getting some things done and before her trip to Geneva Switzerland for work on Tuesday.  Minnie is the woman on LL and is one of the owners of Rollapalooza. We love Minnie!

Then Saturday morning we went to the Bongo Room in the south Loop to have breakfast with Pam's brother. I don't think my pictures do these serving sizes justice. I had a chorizo omelet that was delicious.....

 .....and Pam and her brother had these pancakes. That's white chocolate and blueberry sauce on one and white chocolate with caramel sauce on the other. That was just too much sugar for us, but we did our fair share of sampling!

Last year, LL's mom made a calendar of wedding pictures for us and it's been a nice reminder of our fantastic week every month! Here are October's pictures. My folks, sister and brother in law are the top pic, LL's aunt, uncle and cousins are the bottom left and our friends from Ann Arbor (who just visited two weeks ago!) are the lower right.

Here's another Halas Hall picture. We had another season ticket holder advisory group meeting at the Bears HQ. As usual, it was pretty productive and I think they got a lot of value out of our contributions.

We meet in the special teams room, which is pretty interesting. All sorts of boards and stats line the room. I decided to take some pictures this time.

This is an Offensive Game Goals board. Interesting.

Here's a special teams board which I think delineates good tackles or plays for loss. All the ones in the endzone are of the kicker, Gould, for when he kicks it out of the endzone.

Crap, I didn't get a title for this one. Oh, I think it might be a summary of the board above.

During the meeting we got to see a bunch of the new add campaigns going on. This was our favorite as a group and my personal favorite as well, so much so that it's my computer wallpaper now!


Michael Podolny said...

Wow that pancake looks like dessert!

terri said...

Isn't it amazing how falling out of your workout routine even for a short time can have such drastic effects? Glad to hear you're feeling better.

The food looks DELICIOUS - especially the omelet! Although, I would happily give those pancakes a try too.