Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!!

Time seems to be scarce these days, though playing in a two day softball tournament and staying with the in-laws doesn't help matters.

The diet continues to go very well as I've rolled back the weight clock a year or two after dropping 6.5 pounds in the last three weeks. That's about halfway to my target weight, but I may try to go lower depending on how I look and feel. At this point, I feel 18 pounds isn't out of the question at all. LL is doing well also, but I'm not privy to that information. Even after our annual Memorial Day party with the Cliffords down in Mokena, I didn't gain any weight! Portion control....and 6 games of softball did the trick. Eating better in between the softball games has helped also.

On to the pictures!!

Nothing really to say about this other than "awwwww".

Her shirt says "I melt my daddy's heart" but we couldn't coax a smile out of her AND have her hands by her side. 
 Just a cute picture of her on her changing table. LL sent me this one morning while I was out. I love when she does that. 
Here's LL with Marissa at my in-laws' house. 

And a baby Marissa smiling pic from my mother-in-law.

This big guy is NOT Marissa nor LL. He's Terry and the host of the Memorial Day party. Great guy!!

This is Terry's lovely wife Sandie who is camera shy. Look at that plate of cheeseburgers!

If you're going to have several kinds of beer in different coolers as Terry does, it's great just to cut out the box label and tape it to the top. That way you know what's inside before you look. He also ties a bottle opener to a string so it doesn't get lost. 

Sandie made place cards for all of the appetizers, dishes and desserts so you didn't have to ask what anything was! Very easy to identify what you were eating. Working smarter not harder!!!

This looks like the kitchen island filled with side dishes. There was so much food it was crazy. And like I said, I didn't gain any weight!! Nice!

 A cool picture entitled "Breaking out of winter". 


alexis said...

those are some folks who've lost a few beer bottle owners in their time.

I agree on the awww factor!

terri said...

Have I mentioned how much I love the baby pictures??? Marissa is SO cute! (I think that is now standard text in all of my comments these days... but it's TRUE!)

Looks like a fun party! We've labeled our coolers the same way when we've had big parties.

Congrats on the continued weight loss!

Michael Podolny said...

I love the Mom and Baby looking at each other pictures...always!