Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 1 complete!

Lots going on these past few days...all baby related as you might expect. In fact, I'd anticipate this theme to continue for the foreseeable future.

Our "routine" is somewhat interesting as it's a little nuts. We stay up until almost midnight (or a bit later) and then try to get some sleep before a 3 a.m. feeding. Sometimes I get up to cuddle Marissa if she's fidgety. Then LL tries to get some sleep between 4-6 or 7 before the next feeding. I sleep most of this time and get up around 8 or 9. We have a (now) late breakfast, late lunch, late dinner, stay up til midnight again, rinse, repeat. Yesterday I was able to hit the gym and tomorrow I have a business meeting, but for the most part, it's just a rotation of the above.

Today I broke out the Moby and carried the baby while LL slept. It was pretty nice as Marissa was on my chest while I worked on the computer. The Moby gives the term hands free device a decidedly low tech but very useful meaning!

Now for some pics!


Bee said...

Words just don't seem to cover it...she is just the most precious thing I have ever laid eyes on...

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Thanks Bee!

alexis said...

omg, we LOVED our moby. So excellent. May I suggest when she gets older if you still like carrying, try an Ergo? Granted we live in a city where strollers are a pain in my butt, but for carriers we find it very comfortable.

The "routine" sounds pretty much like it is at that stage!

Michael Podolny said...

One week and you've survived! Good for you. I really love the first picture. Did LL's Mom take it?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Yeah, that's a good one! It was actually taken by the professional who came around the day after she was born.

terri said...

You're bringing back such happy memories for me. It hardly seems that long ago that my kids were babies, but they're already all grown up. Dang, I'm getting old!

Enjoy this time with your baby girl. I know I don't have to tell you how fast it goes.