Monday, January 06, 2014

Hello from Chiberia!

This morning's trip, while early, went off without a hitch. The flight was at 7:20 and with all the trouble, I thought getting there a full two hours early might not be a bad idea, so that meant getting up at 4:30. Ugh. Anyway, it all went off without a hitch this time. Heck, at Midway, where it was -15 degrees and the windchill was -40, we were able to wait INSIDE for a cab. They had an employee outside relaying to another airport employee that a cab was available and what size (we needed a larger one with the carrier, stroller and bags). It worked pretty well!!

Now the catching up much to many people to call. And Friday I go to Arizona for softball!!


alexis said...

You know it sounds SO much colder when you say it in Celsius. -15F = -26C!

Michael Podolny said...

I would like to put in a reservation for a return to halfway normal winter temperatures whenever I my next trip to Chicago is please.

terri said...

Glad you made it back safe and sound. Bet it feels good to be home again.